Handover of Unpar’s Post Graduate Program Management

On Wednesday (6/6), Parahyangan Catholic University (Unpar) held a Handover Ceremony of The Post-graduate Program from the School of Post-Graduate Studies to Faculties within Unpar, situated in the Operation Room, of the Unpar Rectorate. The event was attended by the Rector and his staff, the deans and vice deans, the heads of study programs, the heads of the bureaus/ institutions/centers, and other invited guests.

In his speech, Unpar’s Rector Mangadar Situmorang, Ph.D. said that the handover ceremony serves as a ceremony that confirms one of the series of postgraduate integration process to the Faculties. It is also a momentum to confirm the progress we can achieve in the integration process. “This ceremony is important where we can come together with corresponding duties and responsibilities, ” he said.

Mangadar revealed that the idea of ​the ​integration process has existed since the leadership of Unpar’s previous Rector Prof. Robertus Wahyudi Triweko, Ph.D. Meanwhile, the purpose of this integration with the intention that the Unpar Postgraduate Program can be more advanced and developed.

There are two related issues, he continued, namely Postgraduate integration with Unpar’s Undergraduate Program and differentiation between undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs in Unpar.

“The Basis of Unpar’s Undergraduate Program shown by accreditation ‘A’ is very good. This has become the basis of consideration of higher education programs, namely master, and doctor, “he explained. Meanwhile, the master’s program at Unpar has been around since 1995 while the doctoral program started in 2000.

It is a source of Unpar’s pride, said Mangadar, as the first private university to be licensed and trusted to establish a Graduate Program at that time. “This integration step is expected to bring Unpar forward towards development,” he said.

Another agenda namely the dismissal with respect from the post of Director of Unpar’s Post Graduate School for the period 2015-2018 of Tri Basuki Joewono, Ph.D. On the occasion, the Rector of Academic Sector. Paul Tjiang read the Decision Letter from the post of Director of the Post- Graduate Program. The decree is effective starting July 1, 2018.

The series of events continued with the submission of the Decision Letter, awarding souvenirs for the graduation ceremony of the Director of the Post-Graduate (2015-2018) by the Rector of Unpar, and the reading and signing of the Graduate Handover to the Faculty conducted by the dean of FE, FH, FISIP, FT, and FTI Unpar.

Closing the event, Tri Basuki delivered his speeches containing impressions and messages during his running of responsibilities as Unpar’s Postgraduate Director for the period 2015-2018.

“I want to express my gratitude and gratitude,” she said, opening his speech.

“I’ve learned a lot. I’ve enjoyed it, and gained a lot of experience. Met lots of people. I am really grateful to everyone at this university (Unpar) that has been helping me all this time, “he said.

He hopes, with this integration of the learning and teaching process at Unpar will be better.

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Jul 23, 2018