Public Teaching, The Realization of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi/The Three Pillars of Higher Education

The Public Administration Science Study Program of Parahyangan Catholic University (HMPSIAP Unpar) believes in the importance of community service program as the realization of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi/The Three Pillars of Higher Education practice. Through its Public Education program, IAP Study Program (Prodi) students  wish to dedicate their knowledge to the community of street children in Bandung.

On November 30-31, 2017, the Inaugural Public Teaching program was held for two days, targeting elementary students (SD) who are members of the street children community on Asia Africa street, Bandung. A total of 20 students participated in the program they try to share with the community. Basic science such as the ability of Calistung (Reading, writing, and arithmetic),

To the Unpar Publication Team, Mr. Rifan (Chairman of HMPSIAP 2017-2018 period) recalled the beginning of the establishment of this program.

“Initially, we thought, we already have Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, and the Student Association, whose program should lead to it. Well coincidentally, because we do not have a community service program, we (decided to) hold it in this period,”he said.

Previously, the HMPSIAP team discussed the concept of Public Teaching program with a number of Prodi IAP lecturers. The selection of communities around the Asia-Africa road is the result of the recommendation of one lecturer who is an active member of one of the NGOs in Bandung, where he has contact with the community.

“We are given the opportunity to explore related concepts (Public Teaching activity),” he said on Wednesday (21/2).

Rifan said the Public Teaching activity was held for the first time at the end of last year. “the previous month (November) it was implemented once. Maybe this semester we will carry it out 1-2 more times, “he said.

Aside from being a form of community service experience, Rifan acknowledges that IAP Prodi through HMPSIAP wants to increase its involvement in public teaching activities, as well as introducing the IAP Prodi to the public.

Currently, the Public Education program is intended for students of the IAP Study Program. Those interested in joining the Public Teaching team can contact the HMPSIAP secretariate directly. As for, the briefing for the preparation of the program, will also be conducted further. This is related to short briefing to adapt to street children community before the team arrives in the field. The familiarization program was run through contact between students of Unpar IAP.

On the same occasion, Mr. Rifan shared his experiences and impressions about the inaugural Public Teaching program that had been held, ” the enthusiasm of the general Public itself is pretty good. They (children) are also (quite) receive us with open arms. ”

In the future, Rifan hopes, ” the concept could be more developed. Keep continuing, not just in one place. It can also be arranged in some other places. If in terms of human resources and location are possible. ”

The Public Teaching Team also began exploring a number of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as partners in the implementation of the program.

“The committee (is) trying to find a partnership with several NGOs that have common concerns. (One of them) in the Children’s Bright Foundation,”he concluded.


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Jln. Ciumbuleuit No. 94 Bandung 40141 Jawa Barat

Mar 28, 2018