source : http://icmss-feui.com/photo-gallery/
ICMSS is the biggest and the oldest event hosted by the Faculty of Economics of the University of Indonesia (FE UI), supported by the Indonesia Stock Exchange, the Department of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, and ICMSS partners.
The purpose of the ICMSS 14th is to provide information on the stock exchange, ranging from the instruments/tools, how to be a good investor, current issues and annual stock market development presented by experts in the field of stock market and practitioners.
The theme of ICMSS 14th was the globalization of finance following the trend of integrated world economics. Besides that, technology has granted access to countries with potential markets that can promote international capital flows.
In ICMSS 14th, the team representing the Parahyangan Catholic University consisted of 3 Business Administration study Program students, namely: Tubagus Lili Abimanyu (2011320028), Mario Wijaya (2011320093), and Matthew Erwin (2012320010). The team named itself the Black Horse.
Team black horse participated in the first stage of selection (paper-based selection) from December 31, 2014 to January 28, 2015 and managed to reach the top 24 out of 180 papers from all over South East Asia. The next stage was following the international conference & paper presentation and team black horse managed to rank second (first runner-up) out of 24 universities from all over south-east Asia. It is hoped that the existence of such activity will bolster Parahyangan Catholic University students’ achievements in the future.