UNPAR Graduated 369 Graduates in the First Batch Graduation (I) 2014/2015

After going through the whole process of learning in UNPAR, as many as 369 students of diploma, bachelor, master, and profession had undergone a graduation ceremony held on Saturday, November 1st, 2014.

Graduation is a beginning moment for the graduates to start their new tasks and duties, which are to realize UNPAR’s aphorism: “Bakuning Hyang Mrih Guna Santyaya Bhakti” in their personal life, community, and country by implementing all of the knowledge, skill and individual potential for the growth of their personal life, community, and Indonesia.

Those who are graduated at this batch consists of: 2 graduates of Company Management Diploma, 11 graduates of Economic Development Study Program, 56 graduates of Management Study Program, 62 graduates of Accounting Study Program, 5 graduates of Profession Education of Accounting Study Program, 51 graduates of Law Study Program, 11 graduates of Public Administration Study Program, 17 graduates of Business Administration Study Program, 26 graduates of International Relations Study Program, 7 graduates of Civil Engineering Study Program, 5 graduates of Architecture Study Program, 1 graduate of Philosophy Study Program, 42 graduates of Industrial Engineering Study Program, 15 graduates of Chemical Engineering Study Program, 2 graduates of Mathematics Study Program, 22 graduates of Information Technology Study Program, 7 graduates of Master on Management Study Program, 3 graduates of Master on Law Study Program, 8 graduates of Master on Civil Engineering Study Program, 5 graduates of Master on Architecture Study Program, 2 graduates of Master on Social Studies Study Program, 3 graduates of Master on Theology Study Program, 1 graduate of Master on Industrial Engineering Study Program, 1 graduate of Master on Chemical Engineering Study Program, 1 graduate of Doctorate on Economics Study Program, 3 graduates of Doctorate on Law Study Program, 1 graduate of Doctorate on Civil Engineering Study Program, and 1 graduate of Doctorate on Architecture Study Program.

With the spirit of UNPAR aphorism, it is expected for all of UNPAR alumni to contribute significantly to the process of movement of the nation and the people of Indonesia to a community who have integrity and dignity in the international world. In addition, UNPAR also hope that all UNPAR alumni as part of UNPAR family to maintain its familial relationship with his alma mater and contribute to the development and improvement of UNPAR learning quality.


Sumber: BKA UNPAR (http://bka.unpar.ac.id/wisuda-i-20142015-unpar-mewisuda-369-wisudawanwati-selamat/)

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Kantor Sekretariat Rektorat (KSR), Universitas Katolik Parahyangan

Jln. Ciumbuleuit No. 94 Bandung 40141 Jawa Barat

Nov 3, 2014